Category Archives: Oprah

Name a Racist………….

Racism was, and still is, a dangerous topic in America today.  Dangerous not only for the damage that racism can cause, but dangerous because the term has become a buzz word for many Lieberals who are desperate for a political victory.  Dangerous because Lieberals throw the word around like it was candy.  And, dangerous because the term has such negative connotations that it divides Americans when we should be working together to repair the damaged economy and the damaged lives caused by the last 3 years!

Could YOU name a racist?  I’m not sure I could, but, Lieberals claim to know who is racist and who isn’t.  So, who really is a racist?

If you asked that question of many Black American public figures, such as Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson, their standard answer would undoubtedly include  some white Conservative, especially white Conservatives who are male.  If you ask many White American public figures, they would feel compelled to fudge their answers.  Why?  Well, racism is a political hot spot that even the most honest of people don’t want to talk about publicly.

And, why is racism such a potent issue?  It’s because racism is a means of separating Americans into a voting block that politicians can appeal to and that politicians can use to be re-elected.  As such, it is a sinister and cynical tool.  Asking someone about racism is like asking a Miss America candidate if she hates children.  Or, when did you stop beating your wife?  Labeling someone a racist tarnishes their reputation forever, even when it isn’t true.  So, why can’t we separate the real racists from the non-racist Americans?

Well, how would you KNOW whether someone is racist or not?  It’s not as if there is a litmus test.  In fact, calling another racist is problematic because there is no objective means of testing the accusation.  For example, many of us were considered racist because we didn’t vote for President Obama.  But, the accusers never asked which candidate had policies we liked.  We preferred Governor Romney’s Conservative and business-conscious approach to Obama’s “big government” ideas.  That did NOT make us racist………….but, those calling names didn’t worry about the truth.  They just kept on calling names.  Unfortunately, Oprah has repeated these accusations again, so the notion that anyone opposing Obama is racist continues to survive even todday, despite it being UNTRUE!

In fact, if Oprah would think about it, she would realize that racism is NOT about color or ethnicity.  Racism is a lazy way to label someone so you can attack the label and avoid confronting the real person or his ideas.  Democrats are very successful at these cheap shots as we’ve seen in the last few years.   In reality,  if you jump to the conclusion that you know what someone will say or think, based on his color or ethnicity, then YOU ARE THE RACIST!

So,  who are the Racists in America?

Is it President Obama who jumped to the defense of a professor BECAUSE the professor was black and the policeman was white?

Was it President Obama who crusaded against George Zimmerman because he thought Travon was black and George was white?

Was it President Obama who refuses to call the Ft. Hood shooting terrorism by an Islamic radical even all the evidence points to that fact being true?

Is it President Obama who had a Black father and a White mother, yet refuses to recognize that he is just as white as he is black?

Is it Morgan Freeman who admitted he voted for Obama BECAUSE Obama was black?

Is it Oprah Winfrey who, to this day, claims that any opposition to Obama is based on racist feelings?

Is it “establishment” Blacks, like Sharpton and Jackson, who ridicule any Black who dares to be Conservative, like Justice Thomas or Allen West, or Charles Payne or Condaleeza Rice?

Of course, there are people who are racist in every state, and in every country around the world.  That does NOT mean that opposing Lieberals and their “front man”, Obama, makes the rest of us racist.  In fact, it seems to me, based on those listed in the questions above,  that there are more Lieberals  who are racist than whites!

And, calling  Conservatives  racist, just because their political philosophy differs from yours is not only ludicrous, but……..maybe makes YOU the RACIST.

Remember,  our  DIFFERENCES in political views, our personal life style choices, or even our words  DO NOT MAKE US RACIST.

So, please, let’s drop all this name-calling and race-baiting.  Let’s NOT name a Racist……………………..   Let’s just live together as Americans….free, equal, and glad to be Americans!