Tag Archives: democrats

Sore Losers

I have never been a fan of Jimmy Carter even though the media lauds him and his post-Presidential activities.  Some of those activities, like his work with Habitat for Humanity, are commendable.  Some of his Presidential choices, like giving away the Panama Canal when most Americans were against it, were a usurpation of his Presidential authority. You would think that he would have learned that America disagreed with him when he lost his second Presidential bid.  But, no, he continues to lecture –or is it hector — us?. Whatever you call it, that holier than thou attitude  is beginning to pall on most of us.

Maybe he did know better than us.  Maybe he did not.

However, although we believe in Freedom of Speech, and he has the right to speak his mind, there is a standard for Good Manners which  many of us in Fly-Over territory still appreciate.  So, when former  President Carter calls our current President a “jerk”,  is there any excuse for such bad manners? How does his insulting comment help our country?  Does he care whether he is aiding and abetting our enemies by denigrating the man who now sits in the Oval Office?   One wonders  if his Momma ever taught him good manners.

Unfortunately, Democrats are more interested in knocking President Trump down than whether their speech and actions are good for America or not.  Their group mentality, if there is anything mental involved in their attitudes, is relentlessly set in the direction of destroying President Trump.  So, they undoubtedly will snicker and applaud Carter for going on a radical, Lieberal (yes, lying) tv show and insulting the man elected to return America to greatness.

It is so out of the bounds of common decency!  When will good manners return to the public arena?  When will Democrats start acting as they should and when will they begin promoting the public good and not their own political careers?  Who or what  is  served by Carter  throwing public insults at Conservatives and President Trump?  Maybe he learned those bad manners from the most recent Democrat who lost, Hillary Clinton.  I mean, come on.  How does it help America when Schumer and Pelosi viciously attack the President of the United States?

It’s sad to see that many Democrats act like children, bullying others because, with the media support, there are no consequences for them acting like thugs.  Just like the worst of the schoolyard bullies whom we all want  to keep from hurting others, they rally around even the worst among them and promote their hateful agenda of destruction.  It’s worse than childish.  It’s poisonous to America.  So, I hope Democrats will start acting like mature adults and actually begin helping President Trump.

Unfortunately, I fear that will never happen.  Why?  Because, they are NOT statesmen nor stateswomen.

No, like Jimmy Carter and Hillary Clinton and Al Gore,  they are sore losers!

Sticks and stones, Second Verse, same as the first………………..

Sticks and stone may break my bones………..but, words will never hurt me!

That’s probably the line that Lieberals will trot out after the horrific attack on Republicans yesterday.  Fortunately, we know that is NOT true.  Verbal abuse is still abuse.  And, vicious words have consequences even if Democrats try to escape the awful aftermath of their own vicious words.

Hatred starts out small sometimes.  There are Democrats and Lieberals who are too quick to blame Conservatives and, especially President Trump, for following the Conservative agenda.  Dems don’t like that philosophy, so they obstruct and attack with the worst vocabulary in their arsenal.  It’s sad that, besides Democrats funding “activists” to disrupt, the Democrats  have thrown vicious words around like candy.  Hatred can start out “small”, but the constant recriminations spewed forth by discontented “leaders” , especially in the public forums, continue the trend toward warlike attitudes.

It is almost a daily maxim to hear Maxine Waters’ continuous call for impeachment.  This does NOT help unify our country. There are a multitude of Democrats who don’t understand the result of their constant accusations and lies that the media perpetuate.  For example,  Gildebrand uttering the F word over and over is a “call” to violence for those who don’t understand the difference between a vulgar representative’s epithets  and polite discourse.  Perez’ coarse language is also a clarion call to destroy Democracy.  And, not to be forgotten, the professor from some obscure college instructing his students and social media followers to “string them up”, meaning Republicans and Mr. Trump, is publicly fomenting violence and hatred.  And, now, the Dems pretend to be appalled by the shooting that happened yesterday.  Unfortunately, Dems  won’t accept that their acrimonious words and actions WILL have an effect.

Rather than attempting to work with Republicans, elected by the MAJORITY OF AMERICANS, these Democrats have decided that even chaos is preferable to accepting the results of our last election. And, we all suffer for the Dems’ abhorrent behaviour.   The vicious mobs created by the Democrats WILL create the havoc that Democrats desire.  The worst of humanity WILL latch onto the Democrats’ repetition of lies and innuendoes as a platform for their own evil actions.  They are wrong.

And, yes, the Democrats ARE responsible.  The Dems’ despicable public pronouncements prove that WORDS CAN HAVE THE SAME EFFECT AS STICKS AND STONES!

100 days……..but, who’s counting?

Well, apparently, Democrats are!  The Democrats, in their efforts to stop any and all accomplishments by President Trump,  pretend that only the first 100 days of President Trump’s administration count.  Forget that there are actually three years, 265 days left yet for Trump to work his magic.

Their goofy plan won’t work because, unlike the Democrats who expect to be given everything immediately, the rest of American, who work for a living,  understand that it takes time to accomplish something.  We are used to working day after day,  year after year, to finally achieve our goals.

In a country as large and diverse as America, it takes time to achieve results, especially when the Democrats refuse to cooperate in any arena.  They are are obstructing everything the Republicans propose, and are now trotting out the idea that President Trump has not, so far, been able to complete his agenda.

So, their complaints are just misdirection.  In reality, Trump is moving our wonderful country in the right direction and in good time.

Give him another 3 years and 265 days and then, we’ll  see America looking Great again.


Resigned to calls for resignations

Today, it seems as though almost everybody is offended by  something………whether that something is said, done, or even just implied.  Today, no one tries to see the other person’s viewpoint or even if the deed or comment might have been misconstrued or misunderstood.  NO ONE IS GIVEN THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT. Today, the first reaction to even the suggestion that someone was offended is to demand that the “offender” resign, apologize effusively, and, essentially, lose any semblance of dignity that they might have had.

Unfortunately, much of the over-zealous monitoring is being directed by Democrats against Conservatives and, against everything “Trumpian” in nature.

So, Sean Spicer makes an unfortunate reference to Hitler.  Oh, my.  Pelosi immediately called for Spicer’s resignation.  She seems to forget or ignore that many Democrats compared the infamous dictator to many in the Republican party, including President Trump.  Then, she was silent.

The problem with this knee jerk reaction in the political arena is that politicians, like Pelosi and Schumer, grab every opportunity to destroy Republicans and Conservatives.  They do not admit that anyone could possibly have just made a misstatement.  No, Democrats believe that everything Conservative has to be fought tooth and nail, by any means available.  However, when Democrats and their supporters make heinous allegations and unsubstantiated comments, these politicians are silent.  Why”  Because, Democrats have long followed party lines, and allowed felonious acts by their fellow Democrats……………no matter what their fellow Democrat did.  So……………………  Lois Lerner essentially admitted to using her position at the IRS to target Conservatives’ tax status and thus, limiting any political actions by those groups.    Susan Rice essentially admitted to using her status in the Obama Administration to facilitate the leaking of private American citizens’ status with the investigative arms of the U.S. government!  Madonna stated publicly that she wanted to bomb the White House.  Perez, the new DNC chairman, swore publicly , as did Killebrand, to describe what they want to do to anyone who disagrees with their policies!  The worst case of a Democrat not being censored was, of course, former President Clinton.  Bill demeaned the Oval Office more than any past President.  Bill lied to us to save himself.  Hillary lied to protect Bill and thus, her own future political aspirations.

And, yet, no Democrat called for their resignation!

If this destructive behaviour of the Democrats continues, our country will suffer.  Unfortunately, it’s unlikely that the Democrats will change their nefarious methods.  After all, they are now in the minority of almost every legislative body, State and Federal,  including the Presidency.  Democrats’  goal is to so completely besmirch the reputation of the “opposition”  that American voters return to the dependency and grip of the Democrats’ control.  And if they have to, they will sling mud, emphasize faux pas by Republicans, lie, cheat, and “steal” in order to bring down anyone who disagrees with them.  Publicly and constantly calling for resignations has become a routine, and political, gesture by the Democrats.

It isn’t fair.  It isn’t right.  But, as my Father-in-law used to say,  “Never get into a pi**ng match with a skunk.”  It was good advice.  The Democrats are stinking up the airways with their constant calls for this or that Republican to resign while ignoring the stench in their own party-mates.  So, I guess I’ll have to resign myself to this new reality of constant calls for Republican resignations.

GOP, Democrats, Obama AND Ebola

This is a very disappointing day!

Just when the Lieberals had almost convinced me to blame BUSH for all the ills of America, heck, for everything that has gone wrong in the world, including the Ebola outbreak……..I discover  that the real culprits are the Republicans!


Ad Blames GOP Budget Cuts For Ebola Outbreak

Thank you Lieberals for clearing that up for me!

Thank you Lieberals for being so absurd that even your fellow Democrats will disown you and your ridiculous ad.

Thank you Lieberals for demonstrating the differences between your arrogant, and false,  assertions and the factual approach of Conservatives to our country’s problems.

Now, since the Lieberals want to play games with the facts, let’s play that child’s  game of “which of these things is NOT like the others?”

So, which of these things is NOT like the others?  GOP, Democrats, Obama AND Ebola.

The answer?  This time, as in previous elections,  the right answer is once again, the Grand Old Party — the GOP.




Democrats fleeing the Obama-scare ship………………..

Some Democrats, especially those up for re-election, are rethinking their support for Obama-scare.  No, they did not have an epiphany.  No, they did not get “religion”.  And, no, they are still not concerned with Americans’ health.

Rather, these Democrats want to have their cake and eat it, too.  They don’t want Obama-scare to scare voters away from them!

First, they were in the thrall of National Healthcare.  Oh, yes.  Obama-scare would be the “war to end all wars (health care wars, that is)”.  And, no matter that poll after poll showed Americans did NOT WANT national healthcare, Democrats decided they knew better and forced the legislation through.

However, now that the roll out has been an utter fiasco and now that cancellations are as thick as snow in a Wisconsin winter, and now that Americans are beginning to realize what a disaster the entire idea is,  THESE POLITICIANS ARE SCRAMBLING TO SAVE THEMSELVES!

These Democrats who unanimously voted FOR Obama-scare would have us believe that they are just as furious as President Obama claims to be. And, in an attempt to avoid the blame for this nightmare,  Democrats blame Republicans.   Ho ho ho.  Like rats fleeing a sinking ship, these Democrats don’t give a fig about anyone else, just their own hides.  They will act angrily — remember Bachus calling Obama-scare a “train wreck”?  They will say anything — remember Wasserman-Schultz calling cancellations “transitions”?  They will lie to your face and expect you to believe them because……………….it has ALWAYS worked in the past.

After all, President Obama repeatedly lied about how Obama-scare will affect Americans’ health insurance…………….and no one contradicted him.  Remember his  infamous “you can keep your health care/doctor/plan  period” quote?  I do.  Most Americans do, yet, he is willing to pretend that he didn’t say it.   The over 29 videos of those exact words by Obama belie his current statements.  Carney, his press secretary, pretends to be indignant that anyone would question the President’s credibility.  But what are we to think?  We have the incontrovertible evidence of Obama’s lies, along with all his Democrats’ lies, and yet, somehow, they expect us to believe their new lies?

Wow.  Obama and the Democrats really do NOT think much of our intelligence, do they?  Because, there is no way to justify the lies, the cost, nor the havoc that Obama-scare has caused.  There is no way for Democrats to lie their way out of this pickle…..even if they will continue to try.  There is no way for Democrats to fix Obama-scare with their words.  If they truly wanted to fix this legislative nightmare, they would trash the entire bill and begin again.  And, this time, they should ask the American people what WE WANT!  Enough of them telling us what we SHOULD want.

Democrats are increasingly mutinous because “captain” Obama is out playing golf for the 150th time while Democrats’ representatives and Senators are left to bail out the ship.   Knowing this, is there any surprise that Democrats are fleeing the Obama-scare ship?

Who hates whom?

Years ago, we were targeted by a man who decided we were bad people.  We weren’t bad according to him because we had stolen money, nor because we were violent.  No, he told everyone he could that we were bad because OUR IDEAS DID NOT MATCH HIS OWN THEORIES!

As a result, he wrote nasty letters to our customers and, did everything he could to hurt us on a personal and financial level.

We were furious.  We wanted to return tit for tat and explain to our neighbors that this man was wrong in so many ways.  But, once the first flush of anger passed, we realized that  we had based our decision on valid facts and we would NOT stoop to his level.  Besides, my husband added,  “Consider the source”.

Unfortunately, this man did great damage to us and our reputation and it has taken more than 20 years to rebuild the trust that we had established between our customers and even our friends and neighbors.   It has been a long journey for us and all because one man believed he had the right to label someone else and to call names!I see the same abusive name-calling from Democrats.  They somehow believe that, if they call Conservatives, or anyone who opposes Obama-scare, enough names (nazi, terrorist,unpatriotic, among others) that the mudwilleventually disguise the failures of Obama-scare.  The latest proof of how puerile and vicious Democrats can be is this quote.

“Your hate for this president is coming before your love of this country,” said Rep. David Scott, D-Ga. “Because if you love this country you would not be closing it down.”


Just because someone disagrees with you about the validity of a theory or even a law does NOT make them hate the President!  Just because the American people are rejecting the concept of Obama-scare more each day as they learn how awful the consequences of this law will be does NOT make them hate the President!  Just because those of us who reject the notion that the government should redistribute wealth and become everyone’s nanny does NOT mean we hate the President.

Democrats, led by President Obama, have been ramping up their name-calling and fear-mongering, in order to justify a law which has no justification.  There are many other approaches that would improve health care in the United States that do NOT require a government take-over of the entire system and punitive retributions from the IRS, all in the name of “helping the American people.”

And, I wish all Democrats would stop throwing out those ridiculous canards all in the name of justifying this insane law.  For example, anyone — gay, black, blue, white, bisexual — can name someone to help them with their health needs.  There is NO reason a gay partner cannot be with his/her partner.  All they need to do is have a signed form authorizing that partner access to the hospital room and records.  There is NO reason insurance companies couldn’t be required to cover pre-existing conditions and kids until they are 26.  There is absolutely NO reason we shouldn’t be able to buy health insurance from another state’s insurance company, IF the law said so.

These are the false claims that Democrats bring up to drum up support for national health care.  NONE OF THEM ARE REASONS FOR OBAMA-SCARE.  EACH ISSUE COULD BE DEALT WITH ON AN INDIVIDUAL BASIS.

So, among other problems with the Democrats’ rhetoric is that they have based their justifications for Obama-scare on false conditions.  Democrats have subdued any opposing voices by frightening the American public into fearing insurance companies and an uncertain future.  The truth is that Democrats seem to lie whenever it suits them.  They misdirect the focus of the taxpayer by lying and calling names.  They bribe their own legislative members, and unions,  and now, large corporations, by creating waivers so that these interest groups do not pay the same price as the rest of us Americans.

Lying, cheating, bribing, and calling names are poor negotiating tools ;  but, Democrats are past caring whether these actions are fair, moral, or just.  All Democrats care about is “winning”.  So, Democrats create divisions among us because “united we stand, divided we fall”.  Democrats create unrealistic expectations to pass legislation by promising their interest groups  that someone else will pay. Democrats, in general, are like a pack of wolves that circle, and destroy as they prowl.

Representative Scott claims that anyone opposing Obama-scare hates the President.  That is the biggest lie of all.  Republicans do not, cannot, and will never agree with the government taking over health care.  However, they reacted the same way when President Clinton tried the same thing.  It is not a question of hating a person, but hating the issue.  Who the President is at the time is irrelevant.   What is relevant is the issue.If someone lied to you, cheated on you, and then, called names, you might say that they hate you.  That is what the Democrats are doing to Americans.

It’s time that Democrats  stop being childish and having public tantrums.  In short, stop calling names and get together with everyone to try to negotiate a compromise that works for the American people!

It’s “put up or shut up” time in Washington, D.C.   And, if you didn’t already understand, you Democrats, stop that name-calling!


Why is Obama smiling?


Why is Obama smiling?

When droves of Americans no longer even hope to secure employment and drop out of those seeking employment….

When scandals abound — Benghazi; the Administration refusing to give information to Congressional committees;  Obamascare and the inability to impose any kind of intelligent organization to this catastrophic health scare plan;   the IRS spying on Americans;  the coordination of the CIA and FBI, and other governmental “initials”…..all to spy on AMERICANS;   the IRS prohibiting Conservative groups from their right to be non-profits;     countless political appointees who didn’t follow American laws, and yet, are installed in positions of power and influence;        lavish vacations for the big O and his family……..and friends…….AND,  reporters who cover the White House;      waivers for Unions, big political contributors (to Democrats, of course, especially Obama) ;     and anyone who can spell “Democrat”………………………..

Shouldn’t President Obama, and all of his administration, be FROWNING .………and working late at night to correct these scandals?

That’s what you would expect from an honest Administration or Congress.  In actuality, there is no need to concentrate on these scandals when  the NBC, ABC< MSNBC, ABC, and Obama’s other minions all  pretend that everything is hunky-dorey in America, and around the world.  No one contests Obama’s repeated lies, repeated omissions of facts, nor his repeated rewriting of his own History!


So, given that Obama has a license to say, do, spend, “go around Congress”, wouldn’t YOU be smiling, too?


When do politicians stop campaigning?

Well, for Obama, it is one continuous circuit.  First, he campaigns — and wins — then he plays some buckets — then he might catch a round of golf — then he or his family take an expensive vacation–then he campaigns — then he plays more basketball — then he golfs — then he takes a vacation…………….

The concern is NOT that he is overextending himself in terms of work.

The concern is WHEN does he actually work?  WHEN does he stop to think about what is good for America, and NOT just what HE wants?

Based on his first 4 years, the answers are all in the negative.

He NEVER stops campaigning.  He NEVER actually works.  And, he SELDOM puts what is right for America at the top of his list.

Obamaesque…………..a study in self-aggrandizement.