Tag Archives: President Obama

Who’s running America?

President Obama is back in Washington, D.C., after another lengthy, and expensive, vacation at Martha’s Vineyard.  While there, he golfed, biked, AND, according to his Press agent, was in full control of America’s foreign policy, the economy, global warming, and a myriad of other problems that face America today.  When complains were voiced about his not attending to America’s “business”, his toadies explained that Obama was fully informed on all issues, EVEN while he vacationed.

Hmmmmm.  Then, why did the White House say that Obama returned to D.C., in the middle of his vacation, to meet with his advisers so he could be fully informed?

And, AFTER these meetings, Obama returned to vacation.

AND, the world continued to devolve even further into chaos.

Illegal aliens continue to pour into this country, raping  our social welfare systems and schools and health facilities.

Illegal aliens with criminal pasts continue to prey upon unsuspecting Americans.

Putin continues to chip away at Ukrainian territory and hegemony.

Putin continues to finance Islamic radicals who are bent on destroying anyone or anything that disagrees with their world view.

China does a “fly by” of one of our military jets.

China continues to invade the seas of Japan.

ISIS beheads an American and posts the horrific death online.

Radical Islamists continue to destroy parts of Israel with rockets and kidnap Israelites via hidden tunnels.

A white policeman shoots a black youth, and riots and looting ensue.

AND, an American veteran remains jailed in Mexico with no help from our government.

Is it really honest to say that Obama is doing his job as President of the United States?  Or, is he a dillettante, playing at President while reaping the benefits of being President — golfing, flying hither and yon at taxpayer expense, campaigning for Democrats, fund-raisers for Democrats.

There are major conflicts and major challenges to American interests occurring daily, throughout the world.  Where is Obama?

It isn’t possible to fulfill the responsibilities of the Presidency if you play golf or vacation as much as Obama does.  There just aren’t enough hours in the day to golf, play, campaign, give fund-raising speeches, and hop scotch around the country, when you are President.  The Presidency is a serious and awesome responsibility for anyone.  It is NO place for someone, like Obama, who uses the office for personal pleasures while ignoring his Constitutional obligations.

It’s time to question his dedication to the Presidency and ask, “Who’s running America?”

Is Obamascare the law?

Is Obamascare the law or not?

Today, President Obama’s minions decided to delay the employer mandate portion of the law.


                                                  The Obama administration announced Wednesday that it is delaying a central part of the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare: the requirement that medium and large companies offer their employees health insurance or face fines.

If it is the law, then, how can Obama just willy-nilly  delay a part of it?  Obama and the Democrats forced this healthcare attrocity down our throats and now, because the law is so distasteful that even Democrats don’t want to campaign with it over their heads, it is more convenient to “delay” one  unpalatable portion of the law.

I guess it’s unsurprising that a President who “goes around Congress” to move his personal agenda forward is willing to NOT ENFORCE a law for political purposes.  I guess it’s unsurprising that a  President who appoints countless unqualified, and even criminally negligent,  people to high administrative posts  is willing to defy any law.   I guess it’s unsurprising that  President who crows when an American enemy is killed is himself a craven coward who won’t own up to any of the horrific consequences of his own inexperience and yes, criminally negligent, behaviour.

What is surprising is that few in the media are willing to call President Obama out on his failures.  What is surprising is that there are still people who support this failed President and his failed presidency.   What is surprising that the American people still tolerate Obama’s deliberate machinations to further his political agenda even if it goes contrary to the law!

By delaying any portion of Obamacare, President Obama is announcing that he does not believe Obamacare is actually a law of the land because, if it were, he has sworn an oath to support and enact it.  So,Obama’s own actions are proof that Obamascare is NOT the law of the land!

Obama, Liar in Chief

An honest person has a difficult time telling a lie. He’ll fidget or rock back and forth on his feet. Or, a woman will twirl her hair and refuse to look you in the eye. An honest person feels guilty when they lie….and, it shows.

Dishonest people feel no shame when telling lies. They can look you right in the eye and lie without any “tells”. They can look completely at ease at the same time they are lying in your face.

So, what does it mean when President Obama looks into the camera and, without twitching, tells the American people that “The last thing I think about at night is unemployment.  And, the first thing I think about in the morning is how to fix unemployment” ?  It tells us that  our President is a liar.

Or, how about  his telling Americans that they will never lose their health coverage? Then, he siphons off Medicare money to pay for Obamascare.  What about his  claiming HE gets credit for Osama’s demise when it was Bush’s preparations and the skills and courage of the Navy seals that took care of Osama?  Remember the Obama campaign ads that labeled  Governor Romney a “murderer”, “vulture”and  a “woman hater”?   Even though a kindergartner could hear the obvious insults, Obama denies the ads ever said that.

Did he make these assertions without twitching?  Yes, he did.  Are they lies?  Yes, they are.  Does that make Obama a liar?  Yes.

Unfortunately, these lies by Obama are just the LATEST in a string of lies that should end any chance of his re-election.  A President really should be of the highest moral character and definitely should NOT be a liar.  And, if the media did their journalistic job, Obama would already be history.  In  fact, these lies would sink any conservative candidate.  But for the lieberal media and Democrats, lying goes with the territory.

After all, have you heard the joke about Democrats?  It goes:  how do you know when a Democrat is lying?  The answer is:  When his lips are moving.

Sadly, Obama is no different.  In fact, he is the Commander in chief of Lies.

Samuel Jackson — Racist!

Racism, as Samuel Jackson proves, is alive and well in America:


Isn’t it ironic that those of us who preferred McCain, with his extensive background in a multitude of areas, to President Obama, who had no executive experience….well, no experience in anything except rabble rousing….are called “racist” while those who openly admit their vote for Obama was based on Obama’s skin color alone are not called racist?  Isn’t it ironic that I will be criticized as being racist for calling Samuel Jackson to account for HIS professed racism?  When will we begin to stop using skin color as a reason for personal aggrandizement or personal advancement?

Racism is NOT just white against black.  Racism is ANY judgment of another person based solely on the skin color or ethnicity.  And, Jackson’s admission is not surprising considering that almost 90% of our Americans, who happen to be “black”, voted for Obama.  BUT, it is still a sad commentary on how some Americans pledge their allegiance.

For years, we’ve heard stories of racism directed against blacks, Japanese, Hmong, etc.  And, some of those stories are undoubtedly true.  But, racism is color blind.  A black man, such as Samuel Jackson, who claims he voted for Obama, based on skin color alone, is just as racist as anyone who voted for McCain because McCain is white!

So, when Samuel Jackson claims he voted based only on a candidate’s skin color, that is RACISM.  When 90% of blacks voted for Obama, that is RACISM.  When Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton constantly criticize any issue that involves black and white with the duo always agreeing with the blacks involved, THAT IS RACISM.

If America is truly the land of opportunity, then we should be trying to STOP such racism, not just redirect it against another group.  Everybody deserves an equal opportunity.  But, that opportunity cannot come at the expense of another because government should not be picking winners and losers.  Yet, continuing to create divides between Americans is what Obama has thrived on.  He NEEDS those blacks to support him, regardless of his policies.

However, such blind adoration is not only risky, it is racist.  Oh, yes.  Racism is definitely thriving in America.  And, yes, Samuel Jackson is marching at the head of the parade.  Samuel Jackson is a Racist!

Racism, by anyone, is ugly.


So, first, Lieberals claimed that Republicans were racist because they didn’t help elect President Obama, a liberal who happens to be a black man.

Now, Lieberals claim that Republicans will vote FOR Herman Cain, a conservative who happens to be a black man, in order to prove that we are  NOT racist!

It seems that Lieberals think conservatives are racist no matter how we vote.  The unfortunate truth is that the lieberals are the true racists in this goofy situation because they can’t see beyond the color of a candidate’s skin to understand the man’s philosophy.

I’m a fan of Herman Cain because he is a well-educated, intelligent, and conservative candidate. The color of his skin is immaterial to me.  But, that’s just me….a conservative.

Ask the lieberals and they see a man’s skin color, NOT his policies nor his personal talents.  Now, THAT’S RACISM.

And, racism, by anyone, is ugly.


How soon Democrats forget!

Remember when President Bush (41) spoke with school children and Congress held hearings about his speech to see if if money was illegally spent by Bush 41?  Eventually, the expenses were determined to be legitimate because Bush did not speak on political matters.

Now, President Obama has spoken with school children and many of us did not approve of the original topics.  But, in this case, there will be no congressional hearings because Democrats NOW approve of such speeches.

Wow.  Talk about hypocrisy.

Obama’s Teleprompter


Ronald Reagan was known as the “Great Communicator” for his inspiring speeches and his impressive knowledge on world affairs, as well as domestic issues.  All Presidents have used the podium to inform Americans on issues.  Unfortunately, today, President Obama feels uncomfortable answering even the most minute question without the aid of his teleprompter.  The few times that Obama answered “off the cuff” were not only embarassing to all, but a measure of his inexperience.  That is why Obama has retreated to “reading” his answers rather than spontaneously answering anything put before him!

Speaking extemporaneously might not be the only way to measure a President, but most Americans expect the president to be speaking TO THEM, not reading from a teleprompter.  And, if Obama must be prompted by a teleprompter so he gives the “right” answer, WHO IS PROMPTING THE TELEPROMPTER?