Tag Archives: Reid’s Senate lies

Senator Reid …mud slinger extraordinaire

Harry Reid has never concerned himself with the Truth…but, now, he has outdone even his abysmal record by claiming that Governor Romney doesn’t pay his taxes!

Citing unnamed sources, Reid even repeated the accusation on the Senate floor…again!

Of course, Harry Reid himself has not released his own tax returns. Maybe he’s afraid that someone might notice that he used undue influence to find employment for his son in Nevada.

Of course, Harry failed to mention that Romney HAS released his 2010 tax returns.

Of course, Harry failed to mention that Governor Romney has extensive business dealings and that Romney’s tax filings are complicated and take considerable time to determine.

Of course, Harry omitted the fact that Romney has donated his time as Governor, as head of the Olympics in Salt Lake City, and that Romney tithes to his church every year. That tithing amounts to 10% of his income.

Does Harry tithe? Has Harry released his tax returns? What about Harry’s use of his position in the Senate to politicize a National campaign?

Harry certainly doesn’t appreciate the truth, as his past actions and speeches demonstrate.

The only “true” title Harry should claim is mud slinger extraordinaire!