Category Archives: freedom

Football, freedom, pride…………

Today, we enjoyed a Packers’ victory over the Detroit Lions.   It was a typical football day with a beautiful blue sky and a sun so bright that we all burned to a crisp.  The home crowd cheered the Packers on, but managed to find mostly friendly words for the Lions fans who found seats in “our” stadium.

But, no matter which team you cheered for, the entire audience was wowed when, just as the National Anthem ended,  four F16 jets flew over. Everyone, and I mean everyone, hollered with pride in our brave military men and women.

You can be thrilled with a winning football team,  as we were.  You can be thankful for freedom to enjoy a football game.

But, it was pride that had everyone standing and cheering our fighter pilots.

Go, U.S. A.!