Category Archives: President Trump

President Trump

President Trump was enthusiastically welcomed by the King of Saudi Arabia.

President Trump erased the misconception that he is anti-Muslim by visiting Saudi Arabia FIRST on his own FIRST trip overseas.

President Trump, and our envoys, gained the respect and admiration of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, along with numerous trade deals, and a better understanding of each other……thanks to Mr. Trump’s  presence.

It appears that the beginning of President Trump’s trip has been a wonderful success for America, America’s business community, AND the Arabic countries.   Meeting face to face and being ready to understand each other is the first step towards not only more business equity, but also toward a unified approach in our fight against terrorism.    A good politician knows that “pressing the flesh” is the best means to creating a warm and convivial friendship.  This is why Mr. Trump began his trip in Saudi Arabia.

Again, Mr. Trump took the initiative and chose the right moment for his trip.  For, if you watched the greeting by the King when President Trump landed in Saudi Arabia, there was no doubt about the satisfaction the Saudis felt in welcoming our President.  The coveted kaffee klatsch, the “parade” of Saudi dignitaries, the degree to which the Saudis all confirmed their joy in Trump’s visit were matched only by the red carpet on which the King greeted our President.

And, for all those media and Lieberals who claim that our President is anti-Muslim, you only had to listen to his speech which was an affirmation of what we Americans believe and espouse while giving dignity to other religions and cultures.

I can only say that I am proud to have voted for President Trump.  He is fulfilling his first election promise of making America Great Again.