Threats, Threatening, Threatened

No one, and nothing, in this world is ever promised complete safety.

Since the beginning of time, the human race has faced threats. Threats came from other people. Wild animals and even the environment were threatening. From the day Adam and Eve left the Garden of Eden, we have been threatened by something or someone.

Today is no different and today’s world seems pretty scary. Russia bombs Ukraine almost daily. African mobs kidnap children and butcher innocent people. China is hovering over Taiwan and Kim Jung Un constantly plots against South Korea.

These are all real world dangers.

But, in American politics, another, maybe worse, threat has emerged. And, the impetus behind the threats in politics is the same as all the perils listed above. Democrats want power. Not just any power, but absolute power……….the kind of power where they control what we all do, say, or think.

Nothing is allowed to stand in their way.

Their tool is the media — a powerful tool because the media is almost completely governed by the Left’s ideas. Seldom are Conservative values which created America allowed to penetrate the story that the media spin. And, without the truth, our Freedoms are lost.

The Dems often say that President Trump is an existential threat to Democracy. Nothing could be further from the truth. The media is complicit with Dems and Libs when it fawns over the Left’s ideology and ignores the Conservative viewpoints.

The media is the real, existential threat that continues threatening Americans through reporting that promotes the Left’s ideology and not with the truth.

The Libs have to grow up, for heaven’s sakes!

I am so tired of the Lie-berals and their foolish talk. Chrissy-Teigen is just the latest with her “fears” that Donald Trump would come after her if he wins the Presidency again.


Have you talked with him? That seems very unlikely. Why would he bother with you? Honestly, do you really think you are so important that a President of the United States would waste his time coming after you?

Let me reassure you, Chrissy-teigen. You will be much safer with President Trump in the White House than with any other candidate running for that office.

Russia, China, North Korea, and even Iran were delirious when Biden came into office. Look at how they have attacked their neighbors and threatened the world. While Trump was in the White House, none of them dared to act provocatively.

So, your worries are baseless. Maybe it’s time to act like an adult, if you can. Your childish whining is not based on any realistic fact. You sound not only foolish, but obnoxious.

Can you do that? Or, do you want to wallow in the Lie-beral morass of lies and more lies?

Grow up or keep saying dumb things. I’m sure President Trump won’t care!

The new Walter Mitty

Enter President Joe Biden

Walter Mitty was a fictional character who enjoyed greatness….but, ONLY IN HIS OWN MIND! In his mind, he was the greatest EVERYTHING — pilot, driver, you name it. He excelled at everything……except in his own life.

Walter Mitty stories were funny and kind of cute. It’s not so funny nor definitely cute when President Joe Biden lies about what he has done, said, or what happened to him. Poor Joe has always inflated his own history with stories of his mastering this or that…being a spectacular student…………determining the course of world events………….or, just being greatness exemplified.

The problem is that he lies. He lied throughout his political career and he is still lying.

It all began way back in law school when he plagiarized a paper. He admitted he did it. But, that admission never hurt him politically, so he continued to aggrandize his resume. He was the ultimate bs artist and the crowds loved his “lovable Joe” routine. So, why not keep up the ruse?

And, now, he is definitely senile and seems to believe even the wildest of his own stories despite them being demonstrably false — i.e., lies! Here’s one of his latest:

As the 76th ranking member of an 85 member class, it was unlikely he would have received a standing ovation. The unlikelihood of this is beyond anyone’s stretch of imagination, but Biden has repeated his claim to fame many times.

As my Dad used to say, “It makes a good story. And, it might even be true”. Of course, my Dad meant that it was absolutely untrue. My Dad could have been talking about poor Joe because, while Walter Mitty stories were funny, Biden’s are not. Worse, Biden’s lies and his inability to recognize the truth, are destroying our country.

It’s time for Joe to either live in the real world or live full time in his own storybook. If he wants to live in his own dream world, let him. But, don’t let him do it on America’s time.

To paraphrase a Democrat, Lloyd Bentsen, from long ago. My generation “knew” Walter Mitty. Walter was a fictional friend of ours. President Biden — you are NO WALTER MITTY!

A Justice to be proud of

It’s difficult to maintain your composure when the Lie-berals are hurling “sticks and stones” at you, especially when the faux media make those attacks their headlines of the day. Fortunately, there are people who can withstand the barrage and keep on doing their job.

I admire those men and women who follow their core principles despite the Lefties trying to destroy them. One of the good guys is Justice Clarence Thomas, long one of my favorites. So, I wasn’t surprised that, once again, he was able to counter the ludicrous criticisms that are hurled at him and continue to be a strong voice on our Supreme Court.

I love his response to those who want him to step down from the Court.

Justice Thomas: I’ll Leave ‘When I Do My Job as Poorly’ as Media

China, Thieves Extraordinaire

Today’s laugh of the day is China complaining that American internet experts thwarted their attempt to hide inside our internet infrastructure . Of course, China has been prowling around our internet for many years and, hopefully, have been caught each time as they were this time.

Their claims of victimhood are ludicrous. You’d have to live on Mars not to know that China’s rise in power is not because they are super smart…..oh, no, it is because they build upon other country’s technology and inventive genius. If you create a new product, they steal it and never pay for the development costs.

I well remember the ad during the Reagan years that had a Chinese instructor sneering that China was far superior to Americans in every way. Unfortunately, many believed that and never challenged that lie.

There is one area where the country of China likely excels. They certainly know how to bluster and frighten and intimidate small countries. They certainly know how to bribe foreign rulers and bend them to China’s will. And, they certainly know how to steal.

My thinking has long been that there are smart people in China, just like in America. However, the Chinese, as a whole, are not super smart, but…………they are very good thieves.

Just look at their history. China’s economy and progress are too often built upon someone else’s invention and not their own intellectual genius. They are not smarter than Americans. Where China is “smarter” is that they excel at stealing. Stealing our technology. Stealing our inventions. And, trying to steal our place in the world economy under false pretentions.

Time to put a stop to the concept that they are smarter or better than us. They’re not. The only thing they are better than us at is stealing. China’s real name should be Thieves Incorporated.

Another Biden boondoggle

And, a catastrophe for anyone who thinks President Biden has his wits about him or believes Mr. Biden is an honest man.

He’s neither “with it” nor honest. Let’s refute those ideas.

Attorney Hur, the Special Counsel, noted several instances where President Biden was baffled by simple questions. When were you vice-president. When did you leave that office? When did your son pass away? Mr. Biden was completely flummoxed by these questions. Then, in the news conference he held last night, Feb 8, 2024, he mixed up world leaders. Instead of responding in a civil manner, he became irate at the reporters asking relatively simple questions. Rage is quite often associated with dementia and his hostile attitude could be another sign of advancing dementia.

All his recent gaffes are another sign of his increasing dementia. And, his constant attempts to blame someone else for the country’s troubles which he himself brought about with his executive orders are the reactions of a weak man…..a man who lacks the mental capacity to formulate a logical argument. It is easy to call the opposition names. It takes intellectual capability to explain why the opposition might be wrong.

As to his honesty, I always harken back to his admission to plagiarism many years ago. He was dishonest then and is still a liar. For example, Biden claims the papers were NOT highly classified. The special report lists multiple instances where Mr. Biden had highly classified material in his home and garage. Do we believe a plagiarist or the Special Counsel who, even knowing the left wing attacks would begin immediately after releasing the report on Biden, made his report public anyway?

To avoid responsibility, Biden claims his staff brought the secret materials to his home.

1….As my husband notes, only Senators are allowed into the SCIF room where the government stores classified documents. So, how could the staff get into that room to take the papers? Only Joe could have carried the documents out. That is a criminal act.

2…So, Biden himself had to have taken the documents out of the room. Even if he intended them to be stored in his office, that, too, is criminal activity because no one is allowed to take the documents out of that special room.

3…ONLY a President or former President is allowed to keep some classified materials. Biden was neither a President nor a former President, but a Senator or Vice President, when he took those documents.

4…Let’s also set the record straight on how the decision not to charge Mr. Biden with criminal charges relates to his innocence. One reporter on CNN, I believe, claimed that the lack of charges exonerates Mr. Biden. No, it does not! Mr. Biden is innocent until proven guilty as we all should be…..however, only in some alternate universe would there be a reason to disbelieve Mr. Hur’s accusations. The pictures and report all show that Mr. Biden DID engage in criminal activity. Certainly any fair jury would convict Mr. Biden on those charges.

So, Mr. Biden definitely engaged in criminal activity. And, if former President Trump can be harried and prosecuted for having classified materials in a locked room with secret service on duty 24/7, then Mr. Biden absolutely should be facing criminal charges. Also, as a former President, Mr. Trump had some right to maintaining a record of his Presidency.

To say that a jury would have a hard time convicting Biden because of his dementia is ridiculous. BTW, Mr. Hur did NOT say that Mr. Biden is a sympathetic, elderly man with dementia. Mr. said that the jury might find Mr. Biden to be a sympathetic, elderly man with dementia and therefore, have trouble convicting him!

And, if his dementia is so advanced that he can’t face trial, as the special counsel noted, then he must be immediately removed from office.

Whether you are a fan of President Biden or not, you must see that his actions endangered our country. And, you must see that by not taking these criminal activities of Mr. Biden to trial is prima facie evidence that the justice system is rigged in favor of some to the disadvantage of us all.

Charge the President, Mr. Hur. Making sure that Justice is blind and evenly carried out is, after all, the American way.

Harvard’s Gay resigns

And, it’s about time.


When testifying to Congress, Ms Gay refused to condemn the anti-Jewish actions by students and student groups ON CAMPUS.

Countless cases of plagiarism were proven by a variety of sources but Harvard ignored them.

So, Al Sharpton, along with a variety of networks (CNN, MSNBC….all the leftist idiots in the media) are portraying her forced resignation as a racial attack.

Ha ha! After all, challenges to her based on her plagiarism, lack of candor when testifying to Congress, and, NOT protecting Jewish students, can only be because she is Black. Oh, really?

That seems to mean that Blacks are not capable of producing original work to earn a doctorate degree. That also means that Blacks who succeed cannot do it on their own, but have to be “helped” along. Whether that help means allowing shoddy scholarship, including plagiarism, is inexcusable. Blacks, like any other ethnic group, are fully capable of succeeding. And, I wonder what Clarence Thomas, Condaleeza Rice, Coach Tony Dungy, or any of the other successful people, who happen to be Black, would think of having their success linked ONLY to their being Black?

Besides, the corollary to the idea that Ms Gay’s attackers are only attacking her because she is Black implies that Whites get away with plagiarism. The only “white” guy who admitted, and got away with plagiarism, is President Biden. He admitted stealing material way back when. Every other person is held to the reasonable standard of having to present their own, original work.

It is difficult to believe that Ms Gay is a victim when it was her own actions that brought her down. Besides, reports are that she will remain a professor despite her doctorate being based on plagiarized material. And, that she will receive a $1,000,000 annual salary.

Thanks to you, Harvard, shoddy, even criminal, scholarship and low, academic standards are the new normal. Your reputation, along with hers, is shredded. American scholarship at what was purported to be one of the top Universities is officially gone.

How to misread a comment by Governor DeSantis

The headline is that Governor DeSantis floated the idea of taking President Biden off the Florida ballot.

However, an intelligent reading of the quote from Gov DeSantis is that he does NOT approve of kicking ANY CANDIDATE OFF THE PRESIDENTIAL BALLOTS. I’m not sure why Breitbart even published this with the misleading headline. What I do know is that the writer is definitely misreading Governor DeSantis’ comments.

Gov DeSantis only used removing President Biden den from the Florida ballot based on Biden’s failures to stop illegal immigration as an example of how crazy this trend could be.

NOTICE DeSantis using THE WORD “what”………. That is him beginning a hypothetical example of why you do NOT remove Presidential candidates from state ballots.

Also, notice Governor DeSantis’ final comments.

What a ridiculous article and damaging headline which obviously is not only incorrect, but bordering on malicious. If you don’t like Gov DeSantis, that is your opinion. But, don’t try to misquote him or revise what he meant to say. Hopefully, most voters will read the article and know the truth. But, for those who only read the headline, be advised that even conservative media can report incorrectly!

DeSantis suggested Florida could remove President Joe Biden from his state’s ballot for his alleged mishandling of border security.

However, the Florida GOP governor said the act by Bellows was not an appropriate interpretation of the 14th Amendment and would ultimately be reversed by the Supreme Court.

“Well, obviously, to have one executive branch official unilaterally striking someone off the ballot is not an appropriate interpretation of the 14th Amendment,” he said. “We could have — in Florida, what, are we going to have Biden struck off the ballot because he’s allowed an invasion of 8 million people, including enemy nations have sent people in? This could just be — end up being a tit-for-tat. So I think it’ll get reversed by the U.S. Supreme Court. I think it’s more of a stunt that you have a very liberal person in that position who’s just trying to play for cheap clicks.”

“But, ultimately, I don’t think it’s grounded in a proper interpretation of the Constitution,” DeSantis added.

Follow Jeff Poor on Twitter @jeff_poor

Attacking the “other” guy………..the first, dangerous step in destroying Democracy…..

It’s always easy to “understand” when someone besides you is suffering. Your neighbor’s car was hit and the insurance didn’t pay for the loss. Oh, too bad. A hurricane destroys a home somewhere. Tragic. But, it didn’t happen to you, so, maybe it’s not exactly terrible.

The idea that, if it doesn’t hit you, makes the problem less important is part of a technique perfected by Democrats and libs.

“The rich don’t pay their fair share” is a common cliche’ among Democrats and all Libs. In fact, the rich pay more than their fair share as numerous studies have shown.

“Blacks have been discriminated against and deserve MORE from the government” is another gem. In fact, welfare has demolished the integrity of the Black family unit. Again, numerous studies have shown that absent fathers in Black families contribute to multiple problems for Black youth AND the absence places an enormous burden on mothers and grandparents to take care of Black children. Affirmative action also makes any accomplishment by a Black person suspect. Did he/she deserve their success, or were they just the recipients of a society that expects less from them and gives them precedence over others?

Democrats are experts at dividing people into groups which they can then cultivate and harvest their votes…..thus staying in power themselves.

Currently, many Democrats are voicing their animus against Israel. Why? Israel is an easy target to rail against because Jews are a minority in America. The problem with isolating an ethnic group is that it is only the beginning of a process that destroys the fabric of America. In the past, Conservatives were the Democrats’ straw man — everything a Conservative did or said was wrong and not only wrong….but hateful. Remember when parents were labeled a terrorist group simply because they wanted to be able to raise their own children in their own way?

Well, today in America, Jews are vilified. Why? Well, simply because they are Jewish. What those, like the Squad, who agitate against Jews forget is that hate spreads faster than love. Destroying the right to pursue happiness of any American is despicable. But, somehow, attacking Jews bears no consequences. It’s obscene to attack anyone based on ethnicity. And, it will not lead to a better America.

The hate will spread. All those who are antisemitic today should beware because, tomorrow, they might be the focus of someone’s hatred. And, then, it will be too late to say “if we had only known…………….”.

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

—Martin Niemöller