Dog eat Dog World……..

President Obama thinks he is funny when he claims that pit bull dogs are tastier than hockey moms!  To me, there is nothing funny about eating dogs;  but, obviously, he is desperate to defuse his book’s admission that he ate dogs as a child in Africa. I don’t blame him for eating even dogs as a child because he was not responsible for his meals his family served him.

I DO blame him for thinking eating dogs  is a humorous topic in today’s world, though.   I DO blame him for his poor judgment. And, I DO blame him for what he said.

After all,  the Bible says that what defiles a person is not what goes INTO your mouth, but what comes out!

So, President Obama is not defiled by eating dogs while young.  However, he defiles himself, and the Presidency,  with his inappropriate, repugnant joke about eating dogs.

Politicians are known to use every tactic to be re-elected and Obama is a lifelong politician.  However, while politics might be a dog eat dog world, we expect a higher code of conduct from our President.

The reputation of our country is being ruined by Obama’s immature actions and comments.  He should be too busy trying to alleviate unemployment to have time for such foolish behaviour.  He should at least give the pretense of being a world leader and not just another schmuck on a talk show. So, I hope that the joke is on him in November.

We need to elect a President who actually cares about the country and not just having a good time at the taxpayers’ expense.  It’s time to get rid of this “joker” because all of us DO have a dog in this fight!

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