Racism, by anyone, is ugly.


So, first, Lieberals claimed that Republicans were racist because they didn’t help elect President Obama, a liberal who happens to be a black man.

Now, Lieberals claim that Republicans will vote FOR Herman Cain, a conservative who happens to be a black man, in order to prove that we are  NOT racist!

It seems that Lieberals think conservatives are racist no matter how we vote.  The unfortunate truth is that the lieberals are the true racists in this goofy situation because they can’t see beyond the color of a candidate’s skin to understand the man’s philosophy.

I’m a fan of Herman Cain because he is a well-educated, intelligent, and conservative candidate. The color of his skin is immaterial to me.  But, that’s just me….a conservative.

Ask the lieberals and they see a man’s skin color, NOT his policies nor his personal talents.  Now, THAT’S RACISM.

And, racism, by anyone, is ugly.


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