Tag Archives: racism

Ladies, women, girls……….

Dear Ladies, women, and girls,

Have you noticed that the harshest, most hateful, most demeaning critiques of Governor Palin are coming from women?  Why is that?

The Democrats are seriously worried about Governor Palin’s appeal to women of all generations, and economic stature.   They are afraid that women might choose another woman, just because she is a woman!  Of course, when Geraldine Ferraro ran for VP, the Democrats found it liberating to have a woman on the ticket.  Well, now the Republican VP candidate is a woman and they are doing their best to reduce her to less than the well-qualified candidate that she is.

Anyway, what is wrong with the gender of a candidate being a consideration?  After all, it is uniformly agreed that one of Senator Obama’s main appeals is that he is black — well half black, although he never admits to the white half.

If it is not racist to choose a candidate based on his ethnicity, then it is not sexist to choose a woman, based on her gender.

So, ladies, go ahead and support Governor Palin.  Her election would be a boon for all our daughters and grand-daughters who will then understand that a woman truly can do anything she sets her mind to!

Racism & Driscrimination (My .02)

Every responsible parent attempts to raise children who tolerate the quirks and foibles of others. We all hope and pray that our kids will not turn into bullies or attempt to move through life by intimidation; but that our offspring will try to help others and generally become responsible citizens of our wonderful country.

Being tolerant becomes a good attitude for children, families, and society because tolerance is the lubricant of daily life. It allows someone in a hurry because they have a crying baby to move to the head of the line. It is understanding that a clerk is trying to help everyone all at once, but might need a little more time to finish the job. It is also realizing that no one passes through this life unscathed. If we take the time, we will find that pretty much everyone around us has some sad tale to tell, if we would only listen. Being tolerant means weighing the possibility of another’s problems into the equation before jumping to unwarranted conclusions and assuming that the other person is just being a jerk.

However, tolerance itself has been abused. It is tolerant to understand that someone might need a helping hand more than you. It is intolerant to assume that someone “gets” that helping hand merely because they are a minority or because they “deserve” it, according to their own estimation. The justification for promoting affirmative action was originally a means to remove invisible barriers and allow all citizens to have a fair shot in business, education, and Life, in general. It was to allow everyone the “pursuit” of happiness, not a guarantee that our tax dollars would pave the way for them! Now, though, affirmative action is being used to excuse every form of discrimination. Madtown, for example, is saying that it will no longer give our top students entrance, just because they are good students! Isn’t UW-Madison supposed to be an institution of higher learning where we promote academics? How do you justify giving more weight to someone’s color, or ethnicity, over another student’s scholarly attributes? This is NOT tolerance! It is rank discrimination, but because the students who suffer from this policy are not a minority, the University plows ahead. I am ashamed of my alma mater for bowing to political correctness and for not attempting to lure the best and brightest minds to our state!

I believe that our political system promotes this kind of blatant discrimination because almost all politicians are ultimately using our tax dollars to buy voters. It is easy to secure some votes merely by legislating benefits for a minority. Illegal immigration is an example of corrupting the notion of tolerance into a system that treats our immigrants unfairly. By definition, illegal immigration means that these people are breaking our law. They should be required to follow all the requirements of immigration, and not be forgiven simply because they can sneak across our borders, whether northern or southern. It is not tolerance to allow this. It is a buying of votes with our tax dollars.

Tolerance and discrimination are at opposite ends of the spectrum. We should not confuse the two. Tolerance is our adjusting to Life as we pass through and our attempt to smooth out the rough edges of Life so that everyone has a fair chance. Discrimination is an attempt to leverage a benefit for someone who has not earned that benefit. Tolerance serves all of us well. Discrimination creates anger. In our world today, which do you think serves all of us better?

From : The Mom Team

Racism & Driscrimination

So here is the long of the short as to why I am writing a post about racism. Someone where I work who is black, got a promotion because she went and bitched that the only reason she was not getting a promotion was because she’s black. Now if that was the case, then yes, that is bad. But, that is not the case. This person is loud-mouthed, comes in late everyday, has said things about people that were thought to be confidental to other people. Some of those things could have had very serious impact on some peoples lives.

Every god-damned time a black person or minority doesn’t get a job, it must be because they are being discriminated against. Sorry, doesn’t work for this guy. A great example: The NFL doesn’t have enough black coaches. Ok, and the NFL doesn’t have enough white running backs either. If you don’t get a job, it may be because you just aren’t the best person for the job.

How can the UW-Madison start accepting people based on race and ethnicity vs. their GPA and ACT scores? Because people try to be politically correct. Well PC people are more racist and discriminatory than us real world people. Race or gender should not be a consideration for admission for school, or anywhere else in this world. Why not when people apply to school, all their personal information is taken into a computer, and they are assigned a number? Then you select the best 100 people. If they are all white, well then I guess the smartest people are white. If they are black, I’d have no problem with that. Isn’t the point of a University or company to have the best applicants on the job?

The best man for the job, doesn’t get the job. It’s the man that cries racism that gets the job.

“Racism is not a color, it is an idea.” – Name Withheld

To clarify the quote above, it states that to qualify as racism, you don’t attach a color to the definition. If you get a job based on color then that is racism, even if you are a minority getting the job. Just because you are a minority you don’t get any special passes in my book, nor should you in life.

– Mr. Knowledge

Rick Monday

Lagots, liberals, leftwing extremists; many names for people that have no idea about America or what is right for it. This is the general theme to this blog, but let me explain some of the finer points to this idea.

First off, I’m not explaining this from a neo-con point of view. Bush has been doing a few things, rather, a whole hell of a lot of things that piss the hell out of me. But, that’s not the point of this post.

The liberals want us to stop being Israel’s ally, because hey, they cause all the trouble in the middle east. Wait, from what I remember, Israel only attacks when they are attacked. Anyone remember the 1972 Munich Olympics? Yeah, Islam facists killed a dozen Israeli gymnists I believe. To not let Israel defend their own country is insane. Israel wants peace, Hezbolah and any other towel head only wants destruction of the Zion state, and the death of every American. Yes, even you Cindy Sheehan.

The ole liberal flip flop. Well, we want cheap gas, but we don’t want to drill anywhere in America. They want freedom of expression, yet don’t have the guts to fight for that freedom. They think everyone should have freedom of religion, yet hate Israel. They want equality, yet affirmative action, and allowing minorities to get special treatment is racism in and of itself.

A small point about racism. You may know Larry The Cable guy. Well, people tell me he is a redneck, foul-mouthed racist. Yet, I never hear anything about Dave Chapelle, who I’ve seen rip on white people. You can’t have it both ways.

In the end, liberals are piles of rat shit. Who don’t know if they are coming or going, or what the hell they really stand for.

Someone who stands for something is Rick Monday. Even though it’s over 30 years old, it still has a strong meaning. He was a Cubs center fielder. The Cubs were at Dodger Stadium, and some hippie protestors ran on the field to burn the American flag. Monday wouldn’t let this happen, so he ran and snatched it from them.
Video Tribute

Will we ever see patriotism like that again? Yes, but not from liberals, who think America is just bad.

Pat Tillman says F-U.

– Mr. Knowledge