Monthly Archives: May 2012

Governor Walker, Wisconsin, and 23,608 MORE NEW Jobs

Governor Walker promised to increase jobs in Wisconsin.  And, he did!

Although the increase in jobs number is buried on page A-6 of Thursday’s Green Bay Press Gazette, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics agrees that 23,608 NEW jobs were created for 2011.  And, this final number is 287 more than even Governor Walker previously mentioned.

So, hoorah for Governor Walker who is improving the economy of Wisconsin.  Hooray for those who are now finding work.  And, hoorah for all of us who benefit from Governor Walker, and the Wisconsin legislators, working FOR us!



Indian Giver

Monday, May 21, 2012, page A-3:  Tribes give more than $1M to Obama campaign:


Reparations are the ultimate guilt trip for our generation.  We are expected to pay for bad things that happened to the Blacks.  We are expected to reimburse Japanese Americans for being detained during a World War that, unfortunately for them, was started by their previous homeland, Japan.  We are expected to pay for Native Americans whose ancestors ceded land the Federal Government.

We have been paying for these “sins of our Fathers”  for as long as Lieberals  have been buying votes by  stirring up past grievances.  The minorities have routinely voted for these Lieberal ideas because, after all, someone, somewhere, OWES them for the indignities suffered by past generations.

Unfortunately, supporting this type of largesses which is thinly veiled welfare, our country has created more problems, not less.  Ask Thomas Sowell or Charles Payne about whether welfare is the path to economic security?

However, now we are approaching the point of absurdity in this gravy train where the powers-that-be determine who receives Federal money — aka OUR TAXES !

Native American tribes have been receiving Federal monies for years and years.  Schools have been built for them.  Health Clinics have been built for them.  Roads, police, emergency services, care for the elderly, ad infinitum have been paid for from our taxes.  And, what do we get for these taxes?

Well, first, the Menominees of Wisconsin have proclaimed themselves a sovereign nation!  Yes, they no longer are part of the United States, by their definition.  However,  they still receive Federal grants.   They still are under the umbrella of the Bureau of Indian Affairs.

And, NOW, to add insult to injury, the Green Bay Press Gazette reports that  Indian tribes are donating huge sums of money to Democrat campaigns and have donated more than $1,000,000.00 to the Obama campaign!  This is truly our tax dollars at work………….ALL IN THE HOPES OF GAINING YET MORE OF OUR TAX DOLLARS.

It is unAmerican that anyone should benefit from our taxes and then turn around and buy more of those same benefits.  If we truly want to be the United States of America, we need to all be equal.  The sins of the past should stay in the past.  And, the Federal Government should be working for the benefit of ALL of us, not just a select group of voters who will support the Lieberal cause.

There is no more noble savage in America.  Instead, we have people willing to become beggars just to receive more hand outs.  And, then, these handouts are returned to the giver, i.e., Obama and his horde of thieves.

Kinda’ gives the phrase “Indian Giver” new meaning, doesn’t it?

Working Women — Keeping their figures?

Women earn LESS than men……or so it was reported today, based on a new study just out.    Feminists and liberals were  excited — this study “proved” they were right that those damned men earn more than women simply because they are men — and disappointed — those damned men are still earning more than women!

However, the study is actually a study in how NOT to present an accurate study.  So what?  Well,  because it is so misleading, it might lead voters to support unnecessary legislation.  It might cause resentment when the truth is obscured by nefarious numbers.  So, let’s see why this study is so bad.

The failure of the study is that it is NOT a comparison of how much men or women earn in a particular job.  Rather, it adds up ALL of women’s earnings and ALL of men’s earnings and “discovers” that men are earning more.  Unfortunately, it does NOT take into account many mitigating factors, such as that men work more dangerous jobs, like mining and deep water drilling, which pay more.  It does NOT account for the women who decide to be home makers, rather than career women, which skews the total salaries for women down.  It also does NOT prorate the incredible salaries received by male athletes which are lumped into the “men’s earnings” column,   but, which certainly do not represent an average man’s salary!

A more accurate and honest study would have compared salaries for men and women in specific jobs.  What do men and women secretaries earn?  What do men and women earn in certain financial industries?  What is the average salary for men and women in specific governmental jobs?

Of course, for some, this study supports their mantra that society is unfair to someone…..this time, women.  And, by using figures that, on the surface, appear disturbing, but ultimately are actually irrelevant, an erroneous picture of the job market is presented.  This study attempted to prove that women are discriminated against in the market place.  Unfortunately, even a superficial glance at the figures in this study cannot prove such a theory.

All too often, studies present data and figures in an effort to advance some cause, rather than to accurately represent the facts.  If we are to be informed citizens and be able to vote, based on issues and not misrepresentations, we should be very sure of the reliability of any numbers presented.  It’s too easy to take a number and make it add up to someone’s idea of reality.  Beware of believing any theory when the facts and figures don’t compute.

Remember:  Figures lie and liars figure.