Colin Powell…Secretary of Whining!

Colin Powell claims that the Republican party is racist:

Unfortunately, his public statements don’t match with what really happened for and to him.  It was a Republican president, George Bush # 43, who gave Powell the glory and power of being Secretary of Defense.  It was the Republican party that gave Powell the opportunity to run for President.   It was the Republican party which was responsible for much of Powell’s success and prominence.

Of course, when Colin Powel reveled in the Republican party,  the political winds favored Republicans.  THEN, he was a fervent Republican!

NOW, the media has commandeered all things political, and constantly rail against Republicans.  Surprisingly, Colin Powell has decided to be anti Republican.  This reversal  sounds as though it is more influenced by self-serving interests than true political philosophy.  He seems to be  willing to switch political affiliations when it suits him personally.

Although no one can absolutely know why people act the way they do, we do  judge people by their actions — which we can see  — and not on what we think about them.

Colin Powell’s latest accusations against Republicans seems to be very self-serving.  His accusations seem to be a flimsy excuse to “fit into”  the stereotype that other blacks prefer.  If he had always stated that he believed Republicans were racist, his comments might have more significance.  But, he rode the Republican wave to victory and now, he wants to jump to the Democrats’ popularity wave.

Unfortunately, this latest grand-standing by Powell is just another instance of how some blacks manipulate the story to their own purposes.  The Republican party actually boasts more minorities in positions of authority than the Democrats.  Isn’t that the true mark of a party that includes ALL Americans?

Powell has become a self-serving bigot who rails against the very people who were his biggest fans.  He complains, insults, and whines because that type of political statement will serve him better now.  He might have been Secretary of Defense once…………NOW, he’s the Secretary of Whining!

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