Tag Archives: undemocratic

Undemocratic Democrats!

Although Americans are adamantly AGAINST the current health legislation, Democrats are determined to ram it through by hook or by crook!

Although the bill is not even in its final, written version, Democrats want to vote on it.  Although the American public is disgusted with Democrats’ wheelings and dealings, President Obama is trying to intimidate dissenters into voting for it.   Although representatives were supposed to represent the American public’s wishes and best interests, Democrats continue spreading lies about how the legislation would work and smearing those who disagree and completely disregarding the protestations of a majority of Americans.  It is such a bad piece of legislation that Democrats are scurrying for ways to avoid voting on the actual bill, yet passing it on to the president.  This has been Chicago style politics from the beginning and it looks as though it will be dirty, double-dealing, criminal, and unconstitutional,  to the end.

Democrats had better reconsider.

Are they Americans first, or Democrats first?

If they’re Americans first, then they must follow the people’s wishes, i.e., vote AGAINST  THE HEALTH LEGISLATION THAT PELOSI, REID, AND PRESIDENT OBAMA ARE PUSHING.

If they’re Democrats first, then, like sheep, they will do as Pelosi  and Obama want them to do, even if they must subvert our Constitution.

A “no” vote will be difficult, but would prove that our Representatives truly are representative of the American public.  A “yes” vote will confirm that dirty politics with all its sweetheart deals and closed door arm twisting is the new motif of the Democrats’ party.  If the legislation passes, Democrats will be labeled as undemocratic….a title they will deserve!

So, are Democrats Americans first or Democrats first?  We’ll know the answer soon.