Tag Archives: taxes

What is a “fair share” ?

President Obama came into the presidency as an inexperienced, unaccomplished, and unabashed Lieberal.  And, he reached that pinnacle,  not by his own efforts, but through someone else’s efforts.  In fact, most of the benefits he received were the result of affirmative action and the efforts of  many others.

So, it’s no wonder that he is trying to redistribute wealth in America.  After all, it worked for him.  Besides, giving away money, especially when it isn’t yours, must be a lot of fun. I would love to give away millions, if it were someone else’s;  but, unfortunately, when you or I donate, it comes out of our own wallet……..and, it comes out AFTER you pay the income taxes, gasoline taxes, fees, etc., that today’s welfare society requires.   Still, Obama doesn’t worry about that because, you see, unlike you and I, Obama has never had to pay his own way.

Obama has always taken the easy (lazy) way out.  He was a mediocre student in college by his own admission, favoring the Choom Gang.  He was a mediocre senator voting present countless times rather than making a tough call on bills.  And, even in his Presidency, he twists and turns every which way to avoid making any difficult decisions.  Red lines?  Forget them.  Supporting allies (Israel)?  Forget that!  Destroying terrorism?  Forget that.

Because, you see, it is so much easier to pretend that you are being conciliatory to promote peach, goodness, and the American dream than realizing that tough decisions are the result of blood, sweat and tears.

So, it is natural for Obama to lecture us about the rich paying their fair share despite multiple studies proving that the “rich” pay more in taxes, both in a percentage of the total tax burden, and in absolute dollars.

Besides, what is a fair share?  I fear Obama’s view is that “fair share” means whatever is politically needed at a given moment in time.  Forget that Equality in opportunity, NOT results, is what the Constitution promises.

His idea of fair share seems to be an America where he grabs all your income and redistributes it to his buddies.  Never mind that you worked for it, built it, and earned it.  HE WANTS IT ALL!

I ask you.  Is THAT fair?




Biden — the Baffled, and Baffling, Buffoon………….

Never let it be said that Joe Biden, our goofy Vice President, ever had an original thought nor was able to clearly and coherently voice an opinion.  His gaffes are legion.  His gaffes are legendary.  His gaffes are the window to his self-serving philosophy.  Nor let anyone believe that Biden is unwilling to voice his thoughts and cliches ad nauseum and in public forums.  He never learned the rule of threes that every stand up comedienne understands.  That rule states that you never return to the same subject for a joke more than three times.

Unfortunately, Biden is willing to use the same, tired attack lines that Democrats roll out any time they believe they are losing in the public arena. And, use them he does…..over and over…..maybe 3 x 3 x 3 x 3……or, more.   He has them all lined up in his mind and they just trip over his tongue and out his mouth, without rhyme nor reason.

The latest from Joe Biden is that the “rich do not pay their fair share of taxes”:


He doesn’t throw in any facts.  He just uses that “witticism” to drum up class warfare issues in the hopes that the “poor” and “downtrodden” will rally and vote in yet another boring Democrat.     Anyone who understands economics realizes that the rich not only pay more than their fair share of taxes;  but, the rich are also the major source of charitable donations.   So, here’s the fact, Jack!


CBO: The wealthy pay 70 percent of taxes

– The Washington Times – Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Wealthy Americans earn about 50 percent of all income but pay nearly 70 percent of the federal tax burden, according to the latest analysis Tuesday by the Congressional Budget Office


Other divisive arguments by Democrats and Joe Biden include other, patently false “facts”.    Among them are Joe Biden’s (and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz’)  claim that Republicans are waging a war against women.  In fact, the Obama administration has a war against women, employing fewer women in top jobs and,  OMG, paying them less than their male counterparts!  Democrats accuse Conservatives, especially  White Conservatives, of being Racists.  It’s interesting that Democrats are so willing to lump groups of people together, as if they were all from the same lump of clay.  Conservatives try to see people as individuals.  And, beware if you are a Black Conservative, for then you are an Uncle Tom, a turn-coat, and unworthy of the Black community’s support.  Forget that the Lieberal agenda has forged a ghetto in Black communities that creates people dependent upon the Government.  Even Bob Beckel agrees that the Lieberal agenda has not served Blacks well.  If you study the comments by Democrats, you will see that they are much more likely to assume Blacks and Hispanics want to be dependents of the Government.  Conservatives want everyone, no matter their ethnicity, to be independent and proud Americans.

So, Joe Biden.  Maybe you should stick with discussing small issues, like that ice cream you claim to enjoy.

Biden: ‘I’m An Ice Cream Guy’  (same site as above).

Leave the heavy thinking to others who are willing to discuss public policy in an informative way that includes ALL ethnic groups and ALL economic groups.  If you truly care about people and their futures, you will include them in the discussion and not lump them together as the “poor”, the “Black community”, or the “Hispanic Community”.

Let’s return to the concept  that we are ALL AMERICANS.  Let’s leave the political diatribes and histrionics behind us so we can actually work toward making life better for ALL Americans.  In fact, let’s make Biden — the Baffled, and Baffling, Buffoon  — address the issues facing us in a mature, realistic nature.  Or, if he can’t act like an adult and give reasoned statements, maybe he should just stick with another ice cream cone!



What’s in YOUR wallet?

That’s what one ad asked long ago.

Nowadays, with President Obama and the Democrats demanding more and more of everyone’s income, the answer is:  “NOT MUCH!”

Unfortunately, that “NOT MUCH” extends beyond your wallet.

That “NOT MUCH” is an extension of Obama’s belief that, if you are successful in your business, you didn’t do that yourself.  Nope.  Society did that for you.

“NOT MUCH” even covers your own children.  Remember when Hilary Clinton infamously proclaimed years ago that “It takes a Village to raise a child?.  And, now, we have a tv anchor proclaiming that our children do not belong to us.  So, your children don’t belong to you either.

What do you own?

What about your pension?  Nope.  Not if Obama gets his way.  He says that no one needs more than $2,000,000 in their pension fund.  The question is, how does Obama know how long you will live and how much you will need to support yourself until you die?  But, never fear,  if Obama keeps raising taxes in order to create a larger welfare state, you won’t have to worry about how large your pension is.  You won’t even have one.

And, if you dare to complain about the billowing tax bills, like Phil Michelson, you are forced to apologize for being honest about the unfair taxation rates for successful people!

What about your gun?  Well, only if the government determines that the gun is a certain size, that the ammunition is small in quantity, and that you are mentally healthy.  In New York, police are confiscating guns from people who take anti-depressants.  We all want to know how the police found out who is taking what because the Hippa laws prohibit any doctor or health professional from revealing your personal health status.

Nor does the restriction on legally owning a gun prevent your health suffering from violence.  If someone wants to kill you and has no gun, well, then, maybe a knife will do.  If there is no knife, a rope or nearby pond will do.  And, if all else fails, there is always a rock, heavy vase, fireplace andiron, or tree branch that can do you in.  Guns are not the only violent method around and their demise will not keep us all safe.

But, suppose you’re lucky enough to be “approved” to have a gun.  Then, the powers-that-be might demand to know what  kind of toilet do you have?  It better not use more than 1.6 gallons because some “genius” decided that the environment would be damaged if toilets used more water!

It’s frightening to realize how many of our liberties, guaranteed by the Constitution, are going right down the toilet.  You want an incandescent light bulb?  Shame on you!  Only fluorescents are acceptable in this world.  You want to have a conservative guest speaker for graduation?  Forget it.  Lieberals will protest until you give up that politically incorrect idea.  And, if you actually convince a conservative, like Karl Rove, to speak to your organization, the Lieberals will try to outshout your guest.

Those Lieberals don’t care about YOUR freedom of speech.  They only want to drown out anyone who argues with their leftist agenda.  And, if you protest about your loss of civil rights, you are called a racist, a “far right”, and other unmentionable names that only the Lieberals are comfortable using in public.

Maybe asking “What’s in your wallet?” is a good question to ask so long as you could say  “MY MONEY!”   When asked “Whose children are these?”  The answer is “MINE!”.   When asked “Whose Gun is this?”, the answer should be “Mine”.

And, when Obama and his self-serving minions try to put their hand in YOUR WALLET, tell them to go get a real job and leave your wallet, home, gun, and country alone!


How Obama is paying for health legislation………..


All those with dividend income — here’s your wake up call!

President Obama and his Democrats have finally found a “hidden” way to pay for the proposed health legislation–hidden because it is a sneaky tax that you won’t know about until you pay your taxes!  Although health legislation was supposed  to save money, the current legislation will still cost everyone by stealing  more “taxes” from  anyone with dividend income — what a surprise!  In fact, the new tax on all dividend income above $250,000 will be a hefty 25% increase because they are adding a 3.8% tax on dividends!

To cover the cost of those changes, the compromise would impose a 3.8 percent Medicare tax on investment income for wealthy taxpayers, a levy that would come in addition to a Senate-proposed increase in the regular payroll tax for those families. And it would slice an additional $60 billion from Medicare, with the privately run program known as Medicare Advantage targeted for particularly deep cuts, bringing the total reduction in projected spending on the program to more than $500 billion over the next decade.

Good bye,  senior pension plans!

Good-bye, all who worked hard through the years and invested in America’s companies through the stock market!

Good-bye, to the concept that what you earn is yours and not the government’s.

There’s a new sheriff in town and he’s not only going to take all your guns, but is gunning for your money, too!

Money well spent…

Here’s a simple question; if you could spend money to implement a new computer lab in a school, or spend money on iPod touch’s for teachers, which would you chose? The obvious answer would be the computers as they have a chance of being used by more students and to greater capacity. Of course, that’s not what’s going on here.

The amount of money wasted in education is downright ridiculous. I’m all for technology to be implemented everywhere and for all the opportunities in the world for education to be tied into technology. Without knowledge in technology and related areas, you have no chance of success in the real world. However, wanting technology doesn’t mean go nuts and buy everything that has the technology tag, such as iPods.

Another area of concern is the students with special needs. I’m not saying leave them behind, or that they shouldn’t get the same opportunities because that’s not right, but when the special education department gets more money and grants than the rest of the school even when they have a fraction of the student population, is complete waste of money. Sure, there’s a need for technology with the special needs kids, but when the teachers of special education get new laptops because of a grant from the state, that’s not for the students, that’s for the teachers.

One final note on the special education and other needs, is the notion that today we give everyone a second, third, and fourth chance. Some students who are expelled from school are allowed to return to school. If they are complete train-wrecks, they are allowed to attend an alternative school, where they sit around and get to play foosball all day.

Why did I ever behave myself, when I could have fooled around all day? Society has to take a stand on this foolishness.

Mr. Knowledge

Senator Reid’s Ignorance Exposed!


Watching Senator Reid trying to deny that taxes are forced on the American public is like trying to watch a snake swallow itself!  He tries to divert the question of “are taxes forced on the American Public”  with explanations about deductability of homes, etc.  When Reid is asked how civil and criminal penalties are NOT proof of taxes being forced on Americans, he says that he doesn’t agree with the “phraseology”, i.e., “you’re asking a question and I don’t like it so I will challenge the question!”

And, this is the guy leading the charge for the bailout for just about anyone who needs money, except those of us taxpayers who are routinely paying our taxes?!  This guy, with his political meandering, should NOT be in charge of anything, except maybe his dog!  Well, maybe the dog would resent that!  Based on this convoluted argument from Senator Reid, he should just go home, sit down, and be “seen but not heard.”

Why now?

Read This!

7 things to do to help Obama? These are all things we should have been doing all along, not just now, to help OURSELVES. But, LIEberals assume that Obama will make everything perfect and hunky-dory. It’s so sad that some of these idiots who voted for him are stupider than a box of rocks and assume everything will work out now that Obama is in office.

Jesus hippies, get a job, work hard, and amazingly, you are usually rewarded with a good life. Unless, of course, you work too hard and make too much money. Well… then you are taxed (read penalized) for making too much. Ugh, idiots.

-Mr. Knowledge

Now I’ve heard everything!

Now, the Brazilian President is castigating us because the poor are not getting their homes paid for in the $700 billion bailout by Congress!

I am not in favor of the bailout because people. companies, and even foreign countries should understand that they, and they alone, are responsible for their own financial decisions.  They are the ones who must weigh the risks and decide how and when to invest. 

But, the people who are clamoring for free money also have to realize that any “free” money comes from taxes.  High taxes stunt corporate growth.  Poor corporate growth means poor dividends which are the lifeblood of many American pension plans. 

 It is also important to remember that if companies are taxed heavily, they cannot compete nor grow.  If they cannot compete, jobs are lost overseas to companies with NO health care plans and NO “care”  in any form for their employees….but, the labor is cheap because people are considered to be of no consequence.  

If companies are taxed heavily, Americans lose their jobs AND their health care and pension benefits.  So, it is unreasonable for anyone to assume that our taxes should cover the cost of homes for the poor!

If the Brazilian president feels so strongly, let him put HIS country’s taxes to work paying for these homes.  Otherwise, mind your own business, sir.  I’ve not only heard everything, but I’ve heard more than enough!!